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Our consulting services are offered free of charge and your information is always confidential. Our consultants have expertise in:​​

  • Market Analysis & Competitor Research

  • Business Viability Assessment

  • Business & Strategic Planning

  • Business Transition

  • Business Valuation

  • Capital Acquisition - Loans, Equity, Angel, VC

  • Financial Management, Accounting & Bookkeeping

  • Marketing & Sales

  • Operations Management

  • Human Resources

  • Taxes & Regulations

As a client of the Gannon University Small Business Development Center, you have certain rights and responsibilities.


As an SBDC client you have the right to expect:

1. Consulting Assistance Provided at No Charge
1. Consulting Assistance Provided at No Charge

Because the Gannon University SBDC program is supported by funding from the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Pennsylvania Department of Community Economic Development, Gannon University and other funders, consulting is provided at no charge to you. Fees may apply for training programs, special services (such as research), materials, and publications.

2. Confidentiality of Information Provided
2. Confidentiality of Information Provided

All SBDC representatives agree to abide by the Pennsylvania SBDC's Standards of Professional Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy. Information you provide will be held in strictest confidence and will not be released to any parties outside of the Pennsylvania SBDC network. Information on you will not be sold or provided to other organizations. Specific information on you and the nature of your engagement with the SBDC will not be released without your consent. No information you provide will be used to the commercial advantage of any SBDC representative or to the advantage of a third party.

Certain exceptions with regards to reporting to funding parties and economic impact apply and are outlined in the client agreement. 

3. Unbiased Recommendations
3. Unbiased Recommendations

SBDC representatives will not knowingly recommend the purchase of goods or services from any individual or firm with which any SBDC representative has a financial, familial or personal interest.

4. Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets
4. Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets

Sensitive trade secrets pertaining to unique facts of your business will not be used to benefit another client of the SBDC or any SBDC representative. You understand that sensitive trade secret information is information which is not obvious, which is unknown, or which is unique and pertains to new inventions, secret manufacturing and processing procedures or formulas, or any new innovative process. You understand that it is your responsibility to inform the SBDC of any such sensitive trade secrets both verbally and in writing.

5. Assistance, Guidance, Recommendation, and Education
5. Assistance, Guidance, Recommendation, and Education

The SBDC program is an educational program. The SBDC will work with you on your specific issues to help build your management skills and knowledge. It is your responsibility to accept and implement recommendations. The SBDC will not: Negotiate on your behalf, write your business plan, act as an employee of your business.

As an SBDC client you are responsible for:

1. Participating in Surveys
1. Participating in Surveys

Your candid feedback is critical to the long-term success of this program. You agree to participate in a very short survey after your initial session with your SBDC consultant, brief quarterly impact surveys, and an annual client survey. Your consultant will provide you with a copy of these surveys upon request. We also ask that you reply to other periodic surveys designed to assess the effectiveness of the SBDC program and/or to gauge the needs and challenges of the small business community.

2. Informing Legislators About the Service
2. Informing Legislators About the Service

Consulting services are provided at no charge to you because of the financial support of the federal government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To ensure the SBDC program will be available to others, we may ask you to write to your legislators to let them know about your experience with the program.

3. Accepting Responsibility and Waiving all Claims
3. Accepting Responsibility and Waiving all Claims

In recognition that you are ultimately responsible for the success or failure of your business and that all decisions pertaining to implementing plans and operating your business are solely your responsibility, you hereby waive any claims of damages against Gannon University SBDC and the Pennsylvania SBDC program, Gannon University, the US Small Business Administration, and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, based on any advice or information provided by the SBDC.

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